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Monday, August 16, 2010

Mini-Vacation: Day 4

Our final day started with picking up a paper and heading to breakfast at Day By Day. They are "famous" for good food and fantastic patio seating. (photo). We got seated right away and the food was delicious. After fueling up, we make a quick stop at home to load the bikes and hit the road for Menomonie, WI.
It takes about an hour to get there, but the Red Cedar trail was definitely worth the trip (photo). It also gave me time to read my book a bit, in hopes to finish before days end. Not only scenic, but very ride-able, as all of the 14 miles were rode we completely flat (photo). The weather was mild and breezy, people few and far between, a perfect setting for a ride (photo).
The ride home found me nearing the end of my book; "The Girl Who Played With Fire" the second in Stieg Larsson's insanely popular trilogy. Once home again, we paused briefly to enjoy a few bites of our farmer's market pot roast and then it was off to see the film adaptation of "The Girl ..." at a old school theater on Grand Ave.
For the uninitiated, the movie(s) was/were made in Sweden and thus subtitled in English. They are dark, gripping, violent and portrayed by a bunch of actors I've never seen before. Obviously having read the book, I was a blown away by how many things the movie left out. I realize this is not uncommon, but still, I just can't recommend seeing the movie before reading the book. In a world full of Twilight and Harry Potter, it's awesome to have these books to really sink your teeth into. Sidenote: I'm also willing to bet the hottest new baby name is now Lisbeth.
Anyway, It was an amazing string of days we put together. I was sad to see it end; which is another reason why I blog. It's a great way to not only share experiences, but relive and preserve them just a little bit longer.