Copyright © Jam & Ang
Design by Dzignine
Monday, August 16, 2010

Mini-Vacation: Day 2

Day two started with breakfast at The Little Oven. I had some oatmeal and cinnamon french toast and Angie had Eggs, Toast and Bacon. The Oven is one of those old school restaurants that has reasonable prices, large portions and friendly service, at least I've been told. :)
After breakfast, we stopped by a friend's place that was having a moving/garage sale. We chatted a bit while keeping an eye on the sky as severe weather was in the forecast. While we didn't get rained on, we decided that it would probably be best to stay close to home for the remainder of the day just in case. With that in mind, we decided on hitting the Mall of America for bit.
With no real agenda, we first stopped into Air Traffic and picked up Angie a new disc for disc golf. We wondered around for a bit more, window shopping here and there. I noticed that Xbox had a huge Kinect exhibit setup for people to jump around and look like idiots. Personally, I'm not really sold on the whole idea but time will only tell.
After the MOA, we hit Chevy's for some delicious tex mex (photo). I especially enjoy their salsa and fresh take on mexican cuisine. I'm tired of ordering food and getting a runny, cheesy plate of slop; and trying to identify my different items swimming around somewhere in the briny deep.
We then headed back near home to try out the new disc at the Highland Park course. We played a few holes before the rain started coming down, effectively ending our game.
After a brief rest at home, we went out to meet some friends for a quick happy hour at Salut (photo) before calling it a day.