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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

El Job-O. Por Favor.

I'm tired. It's been a crazy few days, and it's not over yet. I had my first interview today which apparently went well, as they have already called for a 2nd interview Friday morning. My head is still spinning while I try to absorb all the information. I'm excited for the opportunity, however, I'm still in the dark as far as compensation, benefits, time-off, etc. so it's really hard to make any kind of decision. I'll know Friday, that's all I can say at this point.
More big news, we have booked the all-inclusive trip to Mexico! Needless to say, super excited and very much looking forward to the sun, waves, food, drink and spending time with Angie. Tropical paradise style. We'll be staying 7 nights at Riu Palace near Playa Del Carmen.
The washer and dryer is coming tomorrow morning, odds are I'll be spending the time before work making sure everything works. Hopefully they show up closer to the 8am part of the 8am - Noon window.
Whew. Lot's of balls in the air, little anxious, lots of fun.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Rollercoaster Continues

Shortly after I got over the rejection of not landing the job downtown, I've got another interview lined up for tomorrow in Bloomington. So begins the cautious optimism cycle again. This time it's a smaller company with a bunch of unknowns at this point. I won't know the exact nature of the position until after the interview tomorrow morning.
The good news is, either way, Ang and I are very close to booking a 7-day winter vacation to Mexico. At this point, it looks like we'll doing an all-inclusive resort near Playa Del Carmen. So that's one thing I can be excited about without the possibility of being let down. Speaking of, we've got tickets to another Wild game the day after Christmas. Can't think of a better use of the Holiday off of work!
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Short Week

I'm super excited to have the short week ahead, only having to go to work Mon - Wed. I'm in the process of picking out a new washer and dryer with the money I got from selling the pinball machine. I'm leaning towards a Samsung front loader washer and whirlpool dryer. Probably going to buy from Lowes since they offer free delivery and free haul away of the old units.
I sold back Gears of War 3 and picked up Batman: Arkham City. It's amazing how much content they squeezed in, just doing the Riddler challenges alone could take 30+ hours of time. It's probably the last game I'll pick up before January when Final Fantasy XIII-2 comes out.
The Wild continue to impress, last night's overtime shootout thriller was awesome. Hopefully they can maintain their winning ways on Friday when I'll be in attendance. We ended up getting about 2" of snow yesterday, which meant Ang and I shoveled the new sidewalks for the first time. Much easier!
Friday, November 18, 2011


Well, I didn't get the job. Rejection. It takes the wind right out of your sails, no matter how much you say you're prepared for it. I'm officially not a fan of this week, at all. Nothing left to do now but drown my sorrows in the Lefse I plan to make next week. You know, next week. The one that can't possible suck as much as this one.
Thursday, November 17, 2011

What, Me Worry?

I was supposed to hear back sometime this week about the new job, nothing yet. Yes, I still have tomorrow, but I'm started to get a little rattled. It took over a month the last time I got hired, so I know sometimes these things take time, but the anxiety creeps in and you start to question yourself. Either way, the only thing I can really do is stay positive as things could change at any time. Everything is on hold at the moment while I wait for the verdict, stay tuned.
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Closer to The End/Beginning

I was just notified last night that I've a "finalist" for the job downtown. Needless to say, tremendous news and once step closer to the end of working Noon - 8pm and a rather long list of negatives. I believe they are doing a background check on me at the moment, I should hear back sometime next week regarding a final interview and/or the next step in the process. Very excited.
Also excited about the Wild putting together a 5-game winning streak, Nice! Maybe the trick all along was to get rid of cable and stop watching all the games, who knows. My mom is in-flight right now and will be landing later this afternoon. She'll be staying with us for a week, during which time we'll probably do some bumming around, shopping etc.
I was pondering the idea of using the money from selling the pinball machine to get a new washer and dryer. Ours are quite old and I like the idea of front loading, high-efficiency machine. Maybe it's time to do some research.
Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Hurry Up And Wait Mode

The interview for the new job downtown went great, now I have the hard job of waiting until next week to hear back if I got the job or not. I'm super anxious because it's an upgrade in ever sense of the word; location, benefits, time-off, paid holiday, personnel, working conditions and of course scheduled hours. I'd be working from 8am - 4:30pm, which means I could resume my life again (already in progress).
The pinball machine was posted and sold already on craigslist for $1600 cash. That was fast, huh? Sure, I'll miss it now and again, but I can always get my pinball fix at the state fair or something If needed. I don't have any big plans for the cash yet, probably save it for something special.
My mom is flying into town this Thursday, so the next week or so looks to be pretty busy. I also placed an order for a new lefse rolling pin and pasty board/cloth. I'm not messing around anymore with amateur-hour-lefse-making. It's time to get serious this year.
Sunday, November 06, 2011

November News

We've picked a date for the wedding, Saturday, June 9th 2012. That wasn't too hard was it? We've got a few details left to work out with the pastry chef, chair rentals and music (?) but nothing we can't handle. We're happy with the location in the park, with a fall-back plan to do the ceremony in the restaurant if the weather turns.
I've got a job interview tomorrow morning for a state job located in downtown St. Paul. I don't have specific work experience for the position, but they called me anyway and I'm going to check it out. I've been told that the state interview process can be drawn-out, but there really isn't a sense of urgency since I'm not unemployed. I would like must to get back to working normal daytime hours, and I just can't see that happening at my current job (besides the fact that my job is sucking the life out of me).
Can you believe it's November? Just under two weeks until cyber monday, which means I really need to get that xmas shopping taken care of. I like to have it all done by black friday, mostly because I hate going into Target etc. after that day.
In other news, I put my pinball machine up for sale on craigslist today. It's not a must-sell, but I'd love to take the money and use it towards something I can use on a regular basis. It's not cheap, so it might just be destined for the basement anyway.
The Wild are tearing it up lately, winning 4-games in a row (at this point). Ang and I have been watching a few games over at her mom's house since we don't have and don't want cable. I'm looking forward to seeing them take on the Edmonton Oilers the day after Thanksgiving.