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Friday, August 10, 2012

Bed Post

I'm just getting over some kind of flu bug, which made the last few days less than spectacular. Despite illness, I really enjoyed watching the Olympics. It's nice to watch some sports-style drama prior to the football (meh) and hockey (woo!) seasons this fall.
We are getting part one of our bedroom set delivered tomorrow, unfortunately it's between the hours of 4pm - 8pm. Not exactly convenient. Our nightstands and dressers were on backorder and will hopefully be arriving by the end of September. I'm always worried about buying furniture online, after we received not one, but two broken items from World Market in the past. Hopefully this time will be better.
Since the weather has finally cooled off, I've been busy with little projects around the house. Last weekend I finally got around to painting the doors and trim upstairs, which turned out great. Next, I'd like to find a small desk that will fit in our bedroom, so we can move our computer. Eventually, we plan to paint the office in hopes of turning it into a nursery. At some point, I'd like to pick up some landscaping blocks and do something along the side of the house and perhaps a little in the backyard, too.
I've still been reading like a madman, and I'm currently about a hundred pages into the The Fellowship of The Ring. As soon as Borderlands 2 (Sep) and Resident Evil 6 (Oct) comes out, I plan to take a break from the books and hit the games pretty hard. The last time I bought a game was Batman Arkham City, so I don't feel too guilty indulging myself a little.