Copyright © Jam & Ang
Design by Dzignine
Monday, August 20, 2012


Had a nice weekend and the weather was perfect. Saturday morning I drove over to Jeremy & Kelly's to play a couple rounds of disc golf at Silverview Park. Since we got started early, we had the whole course to ourselves, had a great time as usual.
Friday I came home and the night stands we ordered (with the bed) was sitting on the front step. All I had to do was open the boxes and they were assembled and ready to use. I was pleasantly surprised by how well it worked out. Now we're just waiting on the dresser to ship and we'll have everything.
Saturday night Angie and I went to Circus Juventas to see "Showdown." I really enjoyed this year's production, it featured wild west characters and themes. I especially enjoyed the music, which is a combination of live scores performed by the circus band and a few choice tracks of music. To our delight, they even chose to use "Enemy Guns" by Devotchka during the Russian wheel act. Every year we look forward to going and every year the kids deliver. For my money, there isn't a better ticket in town.
Speaking of tickets, I forgot to mention we now our season ticket holders at the Park Square Theater in downtown St. Paul. I'm really looking forward to being able to attend more plays, since I feel even a mediocre play is still better than almost everything on TV. We both really enjoy the Park Square because it's smaller and intimate, you can bring your beverages into the theater and it's close to home.
Sunday I went out with my dad to do some fishing on Big Marine Lake. We didn't get catch too much, but at least we didn't get skunked and the weather was great. I'm not sure how many more times I will get out this year, it might have been the last hurrah.
Next up is the State Fair, which we plan on hitting this Saturday. We both like to get there early, so the first couple hours it's much easier to get around. I don't have a long list of must-have foods, but I can't leave before I get some Lefse from the food building and a peach parfait from the Global Food Market stand.