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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

About Time

Free time is at a premium these days, the old cliche about not having enough hours in the day definitely has some merit. I was thinking about my hobbies the other day and the frequency of which I get to enjoy them. For many of them, it’s a once-a-year thing now, fishing for example. I’m not complaining that I wish I had more time, but if I did have more time, these are the things I’d like to do, in no particular order:

  • Fishing
  • Bike Ride on a New Trail
  • Discover New Music
  • See Live Sporting Event
  • Play Disc Golf
  • Metal Detect an Old Property
  • Host a Rock Band Party
  • Host a Board Game Party

Angie and I did take next Monday off from work and the kids will be at daycare, so perhaps we can gets the bikes out on a trail. FACT: the time never goes by faster then when you’re off work. Most times it starts out simple like… “lets get breakfast, then run into that store etc.” then the next thing you know it’s lunch time. Then, a few hours in the afternoon and then it’s off to pick up the kids at 4pm.

Anyway, as you know, this is my favorite time of the year. The cool temps are here, the leaves are falling and the Halloween decorations are making their way out. At this point Calvin is planning to go as The Man With The Yellow Hat and Carlow is going as Curious George. I really hope the weather is nice like last year, it sure was fun to walk around the neighborhood and see everyone outside and not bundled up.

To get in the Halloween mood, I’ve been watching the newly released season six of The Walking Dead on Netflix. I also picked up Resident Evil Revelations for $10 on Ebay and plan to dust off my Nintendo 3DS in the coming days and play it. It wouldn’t be October without watching a few of my favorite horror DVDs, too.

Boys of Summer (Slide Show)

The Boys of Summer
Friday, August 12, 2016

Carlow's 1st Birthday

It’s hard to believe Carlow is going to be one in less than a week! He’s been walking for quite awhile now (some would say running) and he’s also drinking milk from a sippy cup through a straw. Preparations have begun for this birthday party and we still need to give him a little haircut before that day comes.

Calvin has really become interested in reading about super heros lately, ever since I brought up a few old comics from the basement. We’ve also been to just about every park in a 5-mile radius of our house this summer - it’s been fun to watch him do the equipment he wasn’t able to do not that long ago.

I’ve been very busy with kids stuff but have squeezed in a few projects around the house here and there. I’ve also been really into my new hobby of metal detecting, which works out great while Calvin and I are at the park(s). I’m looking forward to the cooler weather do to a few more family bike rides and then fall activities. This weekend we’re planning on going to swim at the Lake Elmo Park Reserve.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Hockey Experience

Last Friday both Angie and I had the day off together while the kids were at daycare. One of the many fun things we did that day was hit the Neighborhood Cafe for some biscuits and gravy and cornbread pancakes. Another highlight was stopping into the “Own The Moment Hockey Experience” otherwise known as the Bauer hockey store next to REI in Bloomington.

From the moment you walk in it’s top notch, just think Apple store with every Bauer product, ever. The store is quite large, spacious and features much more than equipment from floor to ceiling. It also has a shooting area (synthetic ice) and miniature skating rink with real ice. The latter was instrumental in helping me choose the best new skates. I mean, where else can you get fitting by Bauer experts and then try them out on the ice moments later?

I ended up getting a pair of Bauer Vapor X500s; replacing my twelve year old CCM Super Tacks that were too wide in the heel gave me painful blisters. I’m really looking forward to trying them out at the next JMS game this Thursday. Speaking of JMS, I was able to get my level downgraded from 5 to 4 after the last session, which basically allows me to play more my speed. It allows qualifies me for earlier games at 8pm, rather than the 9:30pm crap I had been going to.

Steve also joined JMS yesterday and we’ll be skating together for the first time on April 14th. So, that means with Steve, my nephew Jeff and Brett from daycare we have 4 people. I just need to find one more person (Kris, if you’re reading this I’m talking about you!) and we could have an entire line!
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Winter Winding Down

Last weekend was guy’s ice fishing weekend. The weather was quite warm compared to year’s past but the fishing was a little slow. In the end, I caught a Pike and a bunch of small crappies. It was nice to have a day away from home and get outside for a bit.

Carlow goes in to the clinic this afternoon for his 6-month check up. He and Angie haven’t been feeling very well lately, so hopefully we can see what’s up with him, if anything. Otherwise, we should be clear to start trying mashed foods, rice cereal etc. He is sitting up (almost) completely on his own now, looking forward to spring when we can take him on walks again.

This Saturday we’re going to the Children’s Museum again with our friends down the street and their daughter, Sage. Besides being fun to hang out with, they belong to the same daycare as we do and we’re always curious to hear their opinions about it. We received a letter yesterday from daycare stating abruptly that the director was no longer with the company and we’re not really sure why at this point. It’s never fun to have turnover, especially when a teacher leaves that you’re fond of.

I’m glad this is the last full week of February, I’m definitely feeling the cabin fever. Although, it is nice to play hockey at the outdoor rink down the street. March is always fun because of the boys state high school hockey tournament. Also, we get to celebrate Angie’s birthday, St. Patrick’s Day and Easter together with family.
Friday, February 05, 2016

Old Time Hockey, New Equipment

In case you couldn’t tell from the photos, a lot has changed in hockey equipment in the last 20+ years. The most glaring evidence is how large and bulky the pads the ‘90s were compared to today. It wasn’t just hockey either, people just wore larger clothes back then. I remember my pads and shirt were huge, and back then it was cool to “cinch” your pants up that you wore to school.

Times change and the new equipment provides much better mobility, breathability and comfort.
The shin guards are now tapered from top to bottom, the pants have zippers around the waistline and on the inner thighs to customize the fit. Shoulder pads are also tapered with considerably smaller caps on top. Finally, the helmet is lighter, more comfortable and adjustable without using a screwdriver.

Anyway, it’s hard to ponder how much better we would have skated back then if we had the new tech, but alas, we were all drowning in our equipment together.

So I’m taking my new equipment to task. Tonight I’m getting together with Steve and Jeff to play open pickup hockey at the rink by our house. I’ve also signed up for a JMS Hockey account (Just My Speed) and plan to attend a few pickup games when my schedule allows. JMS allows players to join games around the metro with other players of the same skill level and experience, you just pay for entry; usually about $15.
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Calvin & Carlow Commentary

Carlow just turned 5 months on Monday, in another month he’ll be ready to start eating mashed foods! Wednesday was his first night in his own room in the crib, which was rough. However, last night he slept through the night and Angie had to wake him up at 6:30am! His was a happy and we were happy, especially since he’s just sleeping in his PJs now; no sleep sacks, pacifiers, etc. It will be nice to have more time at night, since he and Calvin have the same bedtime.

Speaking of Cal, he has a ear infection at the moment. His last one was almost a year ago so I guess you could say he was due for another. His favorite things to do lately have been coloring on the dry erase board/coloring books, building with Duplo blocks, racing Hot Wheels and watching Curious George.

Work has been busy as I update all the Calendars to the 2018 year information. I’m really looking forward to going ice fishing the weekend of February 20th. We also booked our annual trip to the cabin in Alexandria for mid June. We met some new friends down our street (which have a daughter at the same daycare as us) at the Children’s Museum last weekend, hoping to get together again soon.