In case you couldn’t tell from the photos, a lot has changed in hockey equipment in the last 20+ years. The most glaring evidence is how large and bulky the pads the ‘90s were compared to today. It wasn’t just hockey either, people just wore larger clothes back then. I remember my pads and shirt were huge, and back then it was cool to “cinch” your pants up that you wore to school.
Times change and the new equipment provides much better mobility, breathability and comfort.
The shin guards are now tapered from top to bottom, the pants have zippers around the waistline and on the inner thighs to customize the fit. Shoulder pads are also tapered with considerably smaller caps on top. Finally, the helmet is lighter, more comfortable and adjustable without using a screwdriver.
Anyway, it’s hard to ponder how much better we would have skated back then if we had the new tech, but alas, we were all drowning in our equipment together.
So I’m taking my new equipment to task. Tonight I’m getting together with Steve and Jeff to play open pickup hockey at the rink by our house. I’ve also signed up for a JMS Hockey account (Just My Speed) and plan to attend a few pickup games when my schedule allows. JMS allows players to join games around the metro with other players of the same skill level and experience, you just pay for entry; usually about $15.
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