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Thursday, September 27, 2012

R & R & Renaissance

My mom went back to Florida yesterday and things are back to normal around the homefront. I'm looking forward to going to the Renaissance Festival on Saturday, the weather looks excellent. It will be Angie's first trip in her new costume. To my costume, I added a pair of faux leather boots.
On Sunday I believe it's time to take out the Halloween decorations. I noticed that Halloween is on a Wednesday this year, kinda lame. Either way, I'm sure we'll be handing out candy unless someone hosts something.
The NHL is still locked out with no end in sight. I'm trying not to pay too much attention and just hope for the best. My guess is we'll eventually get hockey, but the season will be shortened. I'm considering becoming a Gopher hockey fan this year to try and fill the void.
I finished reading my second book by Blake Crouch called "Run." I enjoyed the story, but not as much as The Pines. I've since started reading "Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers" to flip back over to non-fiction. I haven't been reading quite as much since Borderlands 2 came out last week. Every few days Brenton, Jeremy, Twedt and I have play-dates for a couple hours.
Around this time every fall, my musical tastes shift to more somber records. Out of the car with The White Stripes, Black Keys and Paramore and in with David Gray and Bat For Lashes. Not to mention my Halloween albums and scary stories read by Vincent Price.