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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Top 5 Blog Posts I've Ever Written

Everyone once in awhile, I think it's okay to critique yourself and/or toot your own horn. In honor of my blog turning 5 years old in a matter of days, I thought I'd share with you what I consider to be my best work. I've been through quite a bit over the last five years, and for better or worse, I've never deleted a single entry.

For everyone who has followed me here over the years, I want to say "thank you." (But seriously, if you're reading my blog, leave me a damn comment once a while, will ya?) So, without further ado, here they are:

1. 10 Albums That Changed My Life - June 2008

2. Intel Inside - June 2008

3. Western Caribbean Cruise - December 2007

4. Schoolyard Heroes - April 2008

5. Summertime Rolls - August 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010

December Update

A few posts ago, I gave my top ten things I was looking forward to in the month of December. Now the month's half over and Christmas is just around the corner, I thought reflect a bit the experiences.

Taking Angie to her first Minnesota Wild game
The Wild game turned out to be a mixed bag. On one hand, it was cool to watch a live game for the first time with Angie at X, however, the game itself was big flop. The Wild continued to struggle, providing neither goals, effort or entertainment. If they continue down this road they will miss the playoffs (again) and I will continue to lose interest.

Going skating with Angie for the first time
Still a work in-progress, we've had too much damn snow to think about ice.

Boy Meets World Season 4 (finally!) being released on DVD
While it wasn't the best season in the series, it was fantastic to finally get past season three and enjoy the budding relationship of Cory and Topanga, in their senior year of high school.

Summit beer dinner at Axel's Bonfire 
Holy crap was that a lot of food and lot of beer. Six courses paired with six different Summit brews was enough to send us into an incoherent state. When I finally came to the next morning I thought two things; souvenir glass pretty cool, Tuesday night beer dinner a little rough.

Seeing The 39 Steps at the Guthrie Theater
Having just watched the Alfred Hitchcock film, we were both quite versed on the story and characters before we sat down in the theater. The play follows the plot closely, but takes a much more light-hearted approach, offering more laughs and much more silliness.

Celebrating Xmas, dinner and exchanging gifts
Xmas shopping is all done, just have to make it through the next four days of work!

Decorating the tree and house for Xmas
We found a great tree right down the road and it looks great. There's nothing quite like coming in from the cold to the warm glow of a xmas tree.

Making more lefse/eating more lefse
As a special addition to the Xmas lefse we'll be making, I picked up some lingonberry preserves today at Ikea. What more can you say about lefse? It rules.

Reading "The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest"
Only about 200 pages in so far, just haven't been in a reading mood lately. 

Going cross-country skiing and/or sledding
You'd think with all this snow... but I don't even own a sled. Skiing always seems like a good idea until the temps drop below zero. Anyway, another work in progress.
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Topanga Tuesday!

After many years of waiting, hoping, giving up and finally being rewarded, Boy Meets World season 4 is in my hands today. It goes without saying it's my favorite television show of all-time. Some of you may even remember a time when I created and ran my own Boy Meets World website called "Boy Meets Web." That was of course before Google, file sharing and Netflix took over and made fansites utterly useless. Either way, I still continue to carry the torch and I'm so happy I get to pick up where I left off and share the experiences of Cory, Shawn, Topanga, Eric and Feeny all over again whenever I want.

I salute Lion's Gate for stepping up and releasing the DVDs again (after Buena Vista released seasons 1-3 and then pulled the plug). It's especially fun to watch the episodes in their true "TGIF" form, rather than the edited re-run versions that aired on Disney channel. It cost $23, but to me it's absolutely priceless entertainment, that holds up extremely well, even today. I would to gush a little more, but I've got some catching up to do with my old friends from John Adams high.
Saturday, December 04, 2010

December Top 10

October is hands-down my favorite month of the year, but December is off to a pretty good start as well. Here are the top 10 things I'm looking forward to this month:
  1. Taking Angie to her first Minnesota Wild game
  2. Going skating with Angie for the first time
  3. Boy Meets World Season 4 (finally!) being released on DVD
  4. Summit beer dinner at Axel's Bonfire 
  5. Seeing The 39 Steps at the Guthrie Theater
  6. Celebrating Xmas, dinner and exchanging gifts
  7. Decorating the tree and house for Xmas
  8. Making more lefse/eating more lefse
  9. Reading "The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest"
  10. Going cross-country skiing and/or sledding
Yes, topping my list is a combination of Angie, hockey and Boy Meets World. Man, if only I could play hockey with Angie and the cast of Boy Meets World, followed by a Summit beer dinner.