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Friday, July 13, 2012

Blog Backlog

Wow. Not having blogged in a timely manner seems to have given me blogger's block. I have so many things that I could've written about, but instead I chose to just enjoy the time and reflect on them privately (until now).

A logical place to begin would be with the wedding, which by all accounts, was a success. The weather couldn't have been better, and the park proved to be just as wonderful as we hoped. They say that your wedding day goes by in a blur, but would have to disagree. Having a small, outdoor wedding was the perfect tempo for us, and I can't wait to see the photos that were taken as soon as they are ready. If you're reading this, there's a good chance you played a part in making our day even more special, and for that I want to say THANK YOU.

The 10-day honeymoon we spent in Costa Rica was fantastic. The landscape, wildlife and people we such a refreshing change of pace from Mexico and the Caribbean. We especially enjoyed bird watching in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve and the day we spent snorkeling in the warm waters of the Pacific. If you haven't seen them already, all 300+ photos have been posted on my flickr page.

We recently celebrated our 1-month anniversary, my how the time has flown. We've spent a good deal of time making arrangements with insurance, social security etc. for Angie's name change. Meanwhile, we also traded in her 2000 Volkswagon Golf for a new 2012 Subaru Forester (and it only took two weeks and three different dealership visits!). It was definitely worth the trouble though, especially since the A/C in the Golf stopped working and it's been so freak'n hot day in and day out.

We also hosted our first murder mystery dinner party, followed by a short reunion and live show of "Random Talent" (the acoustic guitar duo made up of myself and my friend Steve). It's nice to play more social-type games, and look forward to getting together again soon. I would like to get together once a month for "game night" or something similar with friends and/or family. Anyone care to organize that?

I'm excited to get outside again, just as soon as it's not 90+ degrees. Playing disc golf, riding bike and going fishing just doesn't sound that great in the heat. Soon it will be fall, and that of course means cooler temps and big list of fun diversions… Oktoberfest, Ren Fest and the start of what looks to be a very promising season for the Minnesota Wild.