Monday, February 13, 2012
Monday Musings
I hate when they only have green bananas; It's like I'm being punished for something that isn't my fault.
Sometimes, in order to feel better, you just need to drink more water or have a snack. Or fart.
If everybody only let the "good pictures" of themselves stay on Facebook, it would just be a bunch of photos of people's animals and babies.
I get really annoyed by voicemail. I shouldn't have to pickup my phone, call myself, enter a bunch of numbers, and listen to a lady I don't even know before finding out that I have a wrong number. All while paying a monthly fee.
I'm really glad people can't see what other people dream about. Sometimes I don't even want to see what I'm dreaming about.
I can't really decide if I like bowling, or just hanging out at a bowling alley.
I will probably go my entire life without ever really knowing what saran wrap will and won't stick to.
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