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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

March-ing On

Wedding/Honeymoon planning continues to roll. Tomorrow night we're heading downtown to turn in our marriage license application. We've got a few loose ends to tie up, including finding a guitarist/musician to play for a couple hours, and I've still got to order my wedding band. Nothing we can't handle, though.
Work has been busy all month, hopefully a good sign for us and the economy in general. We're bringing in a new aqueous coating machine next Wednesday, too. It's nice to work for a small company that's making a profit and willing to invest in itself to continue to grow. I'm really happy with my experience there so far, it's nice a nice mix of comfort-zone and learning.
I'm currently reading Clive Barker's "The Great and Secret Show." It started off kinda slow but it seems to be picking up a bit now. I'm still not singing it's praises just yet, but I'll see it through. I've made good on my promise to lay off the video games, most recently completely ignoring a new Final Fantasy game (that's pretty huge for me, usually). I also created a account, in hopes to find more interesting books to read in the future. I encourage you to sign up and add me as a friend.
Besides going to the sold-out Polica cd release show at First Avenue on Valentine's Day, not much going on musically. I'm at the stage where all my favorite artists are in the studio and nothing new has caught my attention. I find myself making mixes of music I've dug up from my own archives - rediscovering old albums etc. can be just as fun as new releases.
Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday Musings

I hate when they only have green bananas; It's like I'm being punished for something that isn't my fault.

Sometimes, in order to feel better, you just need to drink more water or have a snack. Or fart.

If everybody only let the "good pictures" of themselves stay on Facebook, it would just be a bunch of photos of people's animals and babies.

I get really annoyed by voicemail. I shouldn't have to pickup my phone, call myself, enter a bunch of numbers, and listen to a lady I don't even know before finding out that I have a wrong number. All while paying a monthly fee.

I'm really glad people can't see what other people dream about. Sometimes I don't even want to see what I'm dreaming about.

I can't really decide if I like bowling, or just hanging out at a bowling alley.

I will probably go my entire life without ever really knowing what saran wrap will and won't stick to.