Copyright © Jam & Ang
Design by Dzignine
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

To The Tune of June

June is flying by, except for work that is. Things are unsettled at best and doomsday at worst because our president unexpectedly retired this week. So far we’ve received no communication regarding the future of the company or more importantly our department (calendars). I can’t say I haven’t been in this position many times before, so I know from experience the next stage is basically this… hurry up and wait for the trickle of information, meanwhile jumping to conclusions and worrying about your future. It’s not fun. Consider me pessimistic about things until all the clouds have lifted and receptive to potential job openings.

Cal had a wonderful second birthday party and continues to amaze us everyday. His current focus is mowing the lawn and lawnmowers. He likes to put out all the spots that need to mowed (“Mow there!”) and use his lawn mower at Grandma’s house. We started swim class again on Monday nights, he had an absolute blast being dunked under water and kicking around. It’s going to be fun to see how he does at the lake this year!

Around the house I was able to finish a few big projects. I moved ten yards of black dirt around the yard and planted grass seed, organized the new garage and sanded and painted the cellar door. I still have a few big projects left like staining the deck and applying fresh mortar to the foundation. Our sump pump died unexpectedly after only four years but we were able to get a free replacement thanks to the lifetime warranty. Our current issue is with some wiring in the kitchen causing an outlet to fail… it’s always something!

Angie's due date is exactly 3 months from today on September 17th!