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Friday, October 17, 2014

Fall Is Here

It's been awhile since I've had any downtime to post a blog, things really get busy at work between the months of October - December. Either way, I was due. Besides work ramping up and doing the occasional overtime, things have been falling into a nice routine. Cal has fully adjusted to being in the next room at daycare, taking a one nap a day and trusting his new teachers will take care of him. I think he loves being outside in the crisp fall weather just as much as I do. His favorite toys at moment are the simplest ones - his plastic rake and any kind of ball. He doesn't much care for the toys with noises and buttons, he would rather climb, push, drag and run! Aunt Kathy got him some great slipper socks with grippy bottoms, so he can run around the house without slipping on the hardwood floor. Everyone finds the best little presents for him, he definitely feels the love. Thanks to Amanda, we are trying to get a few good photos family photos, but it's not easy for him to stay still and smile at the same time.

It's hard to believe Halloween is only 2 weeks from today! We plan to stay home with Cal and hand out candy again this year, I'm sure he'll enjoy seeing the trick-or-treaters at the door. We're also hosting a Halloween-themed murder mystery game that following Sunday, because you really can't have too much Halloween.

After all the Halloween hoopla, it's time to start Christmas shopping. I try to get it all done before black friday, sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't. Hopefully everyone is updating their Amazon wish list as we speak? I'm not sure what to get for Cal this year, I was thinking a knee hockey set would be pretty sweet… not sure If that's actually a gift for him or for me.

I've been on a bit of mission to conserve energy, gas and money lately. I cancelled my Netflix, Flickr, Xbox Live and MPR accounts due to inactivity. I put a water-saving shower head in my bathroom, as well as LED light bulbs in most frequently used fixtures in the house. The water heater is insulated and the max-temp has been reduced. Finally, thanks to Don, we have our new boiler installed and running. We also went the extra mile and put in underfloor heating for the living room. I'm hoping to finish the last of the insulating work this weekend. Once you start seeing the savings show up on the utility bill you get addicted.

I have a couple of other small projects I'd like to finish, including reattaching the trim that blew off the on the front of the house and building a couple basic pedestals for the washer and dryer to sit on. Long term, we are putting money away for a new two-car garage, hopefully to be built in the spring. Our current one-car garage is in disrepair and needs to be put out of it's misery sooner than later.

For the weekend, looking forward to meeting Jeremy, Kelly and Samantha tomorrow at the pumpkin patch near Stillwater. They also have some fun outdoor activities for kids which Cal should enjoy. Sunday I'm hoping to catch the Wild game on TV at 2pm.