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Friday, January 17, 2014

Another Year Older

Had a really great time at my 35th birthday party last Sunday. It was great to have a house full of friends and family, playing games and throwing back a few drinks. I even got a few nifty gifts, including a french press coffee maker from Ang, a bottle of rum from Brenton and some choice gift cards and handmade wash cloths. Plus, the weather was 40º F, you can't beat that for mid January.

The weather looks like it won't be so nice for the annual ice fishing trip to Wisconsin next weekend. I don't know how much I trust 10-day forecasts, but right now it's saying it won't get above zero for the high, with -20º for a low. At least we won't have any trouble keeping beverages cold. Yikes.

We had our first official daycare conference this morning, and the teachers confirmed what we already know... Cal is a "spirited" child. He is ahead of the curve with cognitive development for his age, and continues to amaze us with his facial expressions, range of emotions and awareness. His strengths in these areas also make it considerably more stressful for him to spend downtime by himself, as he most certainly prefers being with a group a people rather than a group of toys. Cal's temperament also makes sleep independence more difficult to achieve, as the methods most find successful may not work entirely the same for him. Regardless, he is one-of-a-kind and one cool dude.