Copyright © Jam & Ang
Design by Dzignine
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Calvin & Jobbes

Cal is 7 weeks old today! It’s already amazing to look at pictures we took and see how much he’s grown. We now have a pretty good idea of what he likes, but more importantly, what he doesn’t like. Sleeping would have to be number one on the dislike list. He is capable of sleeping of more than two hours at a time, but for one reason or another he just doesn’t do it. Perhaps it’s the size of his stomach, gas, the temperature outside, or maybe the fact that he loves us so much he wants to stay awake. Either way, it’s something we hope will eventually work itself out in due time. In the meantime, he loves bath time and going places in the Baby Bjorn carrier, he eats like a champ and craves activity and stimulation. He just has a hard time being idle for long periods of time... who does that sound like? Angie is convinced she gave birth to me!

In other news, work is really dead. Ever since the week before the 4th there hasn’t been much to do around there. I continue to look for new employment opportunities, specifically a place that offers 401k match, annual performance evaluations, air conditioning, and a lunch room. Just today I applied at large format digital printing company near downtown St. Paul. The main problem is my job doesn’t have one universal title, it’s been classified as Printing, Desktop Publishing, Production, Graphic Design, Marketing, and everything else in between.

I’m really excited to go out fishing for the first time this season, and maybe even more excited that our friends Steve and Jess just picked up a small fishing boat! I recently purchased a new Shimano Citica baitcasting reel which I’m anxiously awaiting to arrive. I also picked up a new St. Croix medium casting rod to pair with the reel. Consider the fact that most of my xmas and birthday gifts from last year were fishing lures and you can see how anxious I am to get on the lake. Once my new rod and reel is setup, I was thinking about going down to the river to get it fine tuned, maybe even catch a fish or two in the process.