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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Borderlands 2 Review

Here are my top five reasons why Borderlands 2 is greatest video game ever made:

1. Personality
Cel-shaded graphics, humor, and not taking itself too seriously (looking at you Call of Duty). Over the years I've become jaded. Games like Final Fantasy, Assassin's Creed and Resident Evil might deliver occasionally on graphics and so-called "new" experiences, but they no longer deliver on fun. Borderlands is game I actually have fun playing, and to me, that's what it's all about.

Perhaps the biggest factor at work here is Customization vs. Characterization. To me, Customization is how you describe something, Characterization is how you design something. 
While customization can be fun (changing colors, outfits, appearance) characterization is much more fulfilling. Creating your character based on what you feel is the most important or most ideal characteristics is where the true genius of this game is found.

2. Co-op
Speaking of fun, the game gets exponentially better with each friend you add to the fray. In the vein of Left For Dead, nothing is more fun than taking down foes together via teamwork (and yelling). Finding hidden areas, trading loot and developing characters with your team in mind adds a whole new layer of strategy.

3. Discovery
I really enjoy opening treasure chests. Let's face it, It's not something you get to do a whole lot in real life. Borderlands keeps you anticipating the next "big chest" to open and what amazing, rare loot could be found just around the next corner. Looting and discovering secrets is what makes the game's only necessary evil, repetition, become bearable. Sure, we may have to retread the same areas a bit, but as long as there are fresh enemies to kill and chests to open, no one really seems to mind.

4. RPG Elements (RPG = Role Playing Game)
Analytic personalities (like myself) are faced with a constant stream of "tough" decisions. "Do I upgrade to my shield that boasts higher protection but sacrifices my max health?" What about leveling up and deciding where to invest that skill point? Stats matter to me, and I make careful choices with that in mind. These type of choices are fun for me, contribute toward a unique character build and ultimately to the quality of the gaming experience.

5. Longevity
Have you ever been 3/4 of the way through a book a thought "I really don't want this to end?" It's not often I feel that way about a game. The previous four points give this game real bang-for-the-buck. And, for a few more bucks, new downloadable content is always on the way.
Truly. Bad. Ass.