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Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Is It Fall Yet?

It's been quite awhile since I posted, but not for lack of fun things to share. No, I blame the heat mostly. You see, it's been about 100 degrees in the office lately and I just can't write with sweat in my eyes.

Our summer trip to Wisconsin Dells has come and gone, but we sure had a blast. The weather was scorching hot for the water parks; we couldn't have planned better. This being our second year in-a-row staying and playing at the same locale, we've got things pretty well figured out now (read: savvy). Even Circus World was fun a second time, despite the mind-numbing heat.

We spent last weekend in Wisconsin at the Amey Family cabin, our second trip in as many months. The first trip didn't go so well for me, considering I locked my keys in my car and later lost my iPhone (FML!). I learned from my mistakes and had a great time regardless. This time we even got to do some fishing out on Loon Lake, even though the storms cut us short, we got a bunch of fish and had a blast.

In domestic news, we got a new security system installed last week. It seems like no matter who you talk to these days, someone has a break-in story to tell. We even upgraded to include fire monitoring, considering we get an additional break on the homeowners insurance as a result. I highly recommend our Nighthawk Security if you're in the market for a system. Besides being very helpful, I can text or call the owner directly whenever I have a question or concern, you can't say that about most security companies.

Lifetime Fitness and I continue to get along great, however, I'm run into a few class instructors that I don't care for. I think Angie and I actually stumbled into a Christian cycle class a few weeks ago, man was that bizarre. Sorry, but I'm here to work out, not reflect on my level of happiness. At one point the lady said "Be sure to drink plenty of water- and stay away from those colored drinks, they are very bad for you. Your body is your temple."

As far as entertainment goes, I've been playing Shadows of The Damned and watching season 6 of Boy Meets World. We downgraded our Netflix to streaming only, so I don't expect to be watching a ton of movies anymore. I'm currently reading yet another book on circus history, the memoir of Tiny Kline. In music, I'm fixated on The Black Keys for the time being, especially enjoying their earlier, bluesier records.

I'm looking forward to seeing Circus Juventas "Grimm" next weekend and hopefully doing some more fishing this weekend. Other than that, it's more hot weather... which means more infrequent blog posts!