Copyright © Jam & Ang
Design by Dzignine
Friday, November 30, 2018


December is almost here, snow has arrived and more in the forecast for this weekend. We've got the tree up, the lights on and everyone is looking forward to the Holidays.
Carlow finally decided it would be a good idea to get his haircut, so we did that last week. We used a photo with his long hair for our Christmas card – he looks like a different kid now! Both boys have been enjoying the fresh snow and shoveling/building/playing in the backyard a lot.
I recently bought a FitBit and was amazed at how many steps I took yesterday spending the day with Carlow. We shoveled, went for a walk, played at open gym and then I used the elliptical during his nap. After that we went outside again for awhile in the afternoon. All together, I was just over 20,000 steps, no wonder I feel exhausted at the end of the day.
The new window is in the livingroom now and we love it. Lots more light and really nice to have more sky to see out another window. Christmas shopping is almost done, just have the wrapping left to take care of. I'm still working on Tuesday mornings, but it's getting pretty slow and a few times they didn't need me. I wouldn't be surprised if I don't get called in January at all, it's usually dead.