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Design by Dzignine
Friday, August 12, 2016

Carlow's 1st Birthday

It’s hard to believe Carlow is going to be one in less than a week! He’s been walking for quite awhile now (some would say running) and he’s also drinking milk from a sippy cup through a straw. Preparations have begun for this birthday party and we still need to give him a little haircut before that day comes.

Calvin has really become interested in reading about super heros lately, ever since I brought up a few old comics from the basement. We’ve also been to just about every park in a 5-mile radius of our house this summer - it’s been fun to watch him do the equipment he wasn’t able to do not that long ago.

I’ve been very busy with kids stuff but have squeezed in a few projects around the house here and there. I’ve also been really into my new hobby of metal detecting, which works out great while Calvin and I are at the park(s). I’m looking forward to the cooler weather do to a few more family bike rides and then fall activities. This weekend we’re planning on going to swim at the Lake Elmo Park Reserve.