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Monday, November 18, 2013

The Best Laid Plans

I don't know what it is about the Fall, but every year around this time I get really inspired, reflect on my life and think about what changes I can make for the new year. This year I've decided to take the initiative towards adding HTML/CSS to my professional repertoire, possibly resulting in an eventual career change. I've been doing production, printing and graphic design for over 10 years now and I'm running out of real estate to move forward.

My first steps are to learn some of the basics via online courses (Code Academy, and then plow through a few choice books that have been recommended. After I get my feet wet, I would like to build my own portfolio online, which will serve as both a learning tool for me and example of my capabilities to employers. Plans change and things are bound to come up, but I feel satisfied with my first steps and motivated get started ASAP.

I'm looking forward to a stay-cation next week, since I have Thursday - Monday off of work. The following Tuesday Cal goes in for his 6-month checkup, after which time we should have the green light to start introducing rice cereal and food - very exciting!

I had a great time at the Wild game last night with Kris, they continued their winning ways, beating Winnipeg 2-1. This year has been one of the only times I miss having cable to watch the games, but I just can't justify all that money to watch one channel.

I've still got quite a bit of Xmas shopping to do, I try to have most of it done by the end of November. This year might be the first time I don't have any video games on my wishlist, since I've all but retired from my Xbox and don't have any plans to buy a Xbox One or PS4. However, I still have all my Rock Band stuff and would like to host another party sometime, it's always a fun indoor winter activity. Maybe we can give Cal a tambourine?