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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Daycare Begins

This week is Cal's first week at daycare and so far it's going pretty good, based on the feedback from the staff and how he's slept in the evenings. Last night he actually slept from 9pm to 3:45pm, and he has been going back to sleep much easier after feedings since he started daycare. Angie is back at work, which is now a juggling act to find time to get everything done and pump etc. She is doing the drop off in the morning, while I'm doing the pickup after work. It's crazy how fast the time goes by, we get home, eat dinner, go for a walk and the next thing you know it's his bedtime.

While the Vikings continue their downward spiral, I look forward to the Wild season starting next week. It's going to be hard to watch games, but the Wild on the radio is better than the Vikings on TV. Work is pretty steady now, I'm thinking it will stay that way until the holidays.

This weekend we are making our annual trip to the Renaissance Festival with Jeremy and Kelly. I'm looking forward hanging out and having a few drinks, hopefully the weather cooperates.