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Design by Dzignine
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Wrapping Up Xmas

The long xmas break has come and gone and it's back to work. We had a great holiday and really enjoyed spending time with the families and getting these done in the kitchen.

In no particular order, we went to Angie's mom's house and made rosettes and I made more lefse; both were a success. I finished a total of three coats of mud on the kitchen drywall, hopefully the hard part is almost now that I (kind of) have the hang of it. We watched our favorite holiday movies, the Grinch and Christmas Vacation. We picked up some Nachos Navidad after we finished up some holiday shopping.

We spent Xmas Eve at my dad's house, where we had a nice spread of food and opened gifts. I received a bunch of great summer fishing tackle, a Wild calendar and some other nifty gifties. Xmas day was spent at Angie's mom's' house, where we do the traditional all-day xmas. We had a nice brunch in the morning with homemade muffins, cinnamon rolls, egg bake and quiche. After that, we opened presents and played some games before we ate dinner around 5pm. I was happy to get more ice fishing stuff, baby books, ear buds, a multi-tool, movies and gift cards to Panera. It's always fun to open presents one at a time and not just blow through everything.

I'm expecting a short, uneventful week here at work, followed by a quick Monday before the New Year's holiday. We're going over to Jeremy and Kelly's to hang out, eat appetizers and visit with their daughter Samantha.
Monday, December 17, 2012

So This Is Christmas

We're happy to report that it's already week 18 of the pregnancy and everything continues to go well. The big day when we find out whether it's a boy or girl is just around the corner on January 7th. It's going to be a very busy few weeks to say the least. After some tours to various locations, we've got our deposit down and spot reserved for daycare at a place relatively close to home that we really liked.
We just spent the last weekend starting the kitchen remodel, with the workload thus far about 90% Don and Linda and 10% us. We already have a new ceiling with drywall up, the next step is the mudding/taping/sanding to finish it off. I'm taking pictures along the way to show the transformation, I'll get them up on my flickr page soon.

T-minus four working days until Christmas vacation, it can't get here fast enough. Besides doing some work in the kitchen, I've got a little shopping left to do, presents to wrap and more lefse to make. Not to mention, starting the fun process of comparing and researching cribs, strollers and all other related baby gear. At least I won't have to worry about hockey games getting in the way of my to-do list!