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Monday, March 21, 2011

Sucker Punching Winter In The Devotchka

It's unofficially winter send-off week around these parts; as temps outside slowly rise and the sun shines a bit longer into the evening. I plan on placing my order for some new discs and hope to get out to play the first round of the season soon. Not only looking forward to shaking the rust of the discs, but the bike as well.
As far as actual festivities this week, I've got a outing planned with friends to see "Sucker Punch" opening night this Friday. It's a small but important step towards everyone coming out of hibernation and spending time together again. This Saturday I plan to put together my new grill, followed by a nice feast o' flames shortly thereafter (rain or shine). Basically, the math looks like this:

Disc Golf + Biking + Grilling - Minnesota Wild Interest = Happy Fun Spring Time!

Not only looking forward to all the above, but heading to another Devotchka show at First Ave on April 1st. If you never heard of them before, they are a genre-bending breath of fresh air that includes everything from tuba to accordion. I'm still absorbing their body of work, but I really like the "Mad And Faithful Telling" album the best at this point.
In other news, I went in for an eye exam on Saturday for the first time in at least ten years. I'd been suspecting my distance vision was slipping and the tests confirmed that; I'm .75/.75 to be exact. While it doesn't mean I'm blind, it does mean I'm nearsighted and will need some glasses for part-time use. I was expecting as much and have begun the search for frames that I like. It's strange to say, but I'm looking forward to having glasses, especially for when we go to plays/concerts/shows/movies etc. Whether it be needing a another set of eyes or another set of discs, the times they are a changing.